Contributing ================== This is the process to develop/contribute to Pyfhel: This is the standard process to develop/contribute: 1. *Code a new feature/fix a bug*. Using [Cython]( for the ``.pyx`` and ``.pxd`` extensions, C++ for ``Afhel`` or Python for examples/tests/other. 2. *Build/Install Pyfhel locally*. Use ``pip install -v -v .`` for a verbose installation. 3. *Test changes (requires installing `pytest`)*. Run the tests locally by executing ``pytest .`` in the root directory, and make sure all tests pass. - *Code coverage (requires installing ``pytest-cov``)*. Add an empty ``.cov`` file in the root directory, and build/install the project locally (``pip install .``). To run coverage tests, execute ``pytest --cov .`` in the root directory, and then ``coverage html`` to obtain a report. You're ready to go! Just create a pull request to the original repo.