Fixed-point FHE with CKKS scheme

Fixed-point Demo for Pyfhel, operating with fixed point encoded values following the CKKS scheme (

1. CKKS context and key setup

We take a look at the different parameters that can be set for the CKKS scheme. A generally good strategy to choose qi_sizes (bitsize for each prime moduli) for the CKKS scheme is as follows:

  1. Choose a 60-bit prime as the first prime in coeff_modulus. This will give the highest precision when decrypting;

  2. Choose another 60-bit prime as the last element of coeff_modulus, as this will be used as the special prime and should be as large as the largest of the other primes;

  3. Choose the intermediate primes to be close to each other.

import numpy as np
from Pyfhel import Pyfhel

HE = Pyfhel()           # Creating empty Pyfhel object
ckks_params = {
    'scheme': 'CKKS',   # can also be 'ckks'
    'n': 2**14,         # Polynomial modulus degree. For CKKS, n/2 values can be
                        #  encoded in a single ciphertext.
                        #  Typ. 2^D for D in [10, 15]
    'scale': 2**30,     # All the encodings will use it for float->fixed point
                        #  conversion: x_fix = round(x_float * scale)
                        #  You can use this as default scale or use a different
                        #  scale on each operation (set in HE.encryptFrac)
    'qi_sizes': [60, 30, 30, 30, 60] # Number of bits of each prime in the chain.
                        # Intermediate values should be  close to log2(scale)
                        # for each operation, to have small rounding errors.
HE.contextGen(**ckks_params)  # Generate context for ckks scheme
HE.keyGen()             # Key Generation: generates a pair of public/secret keys

2. Float Array Encoding & Encryption

we will define two floating-point arrays, encode and encrypt them: arr_x = [0.1, 0.2, -0.3] (length 3) arr_y = [-1.5, 2.3, 4.7] (length 3)

arr_x = np.array([0.1, 0.2, -0.3], dtype=np.float64)    # Always use type float64!
arr_y = np.array([-1.5, 2.3, 4.7], dtype=np.float64)

ptxt_x = HE.encodeFrac(arr_x)   # Creates a PyPtxt plaintext with the encoded arr_x
ptxt_y = HE.encodeFrac(arr_y)   # plaintexts created from arrays shorter than 'n' are filled with zeros.

ctxt_x = HE.encryptPtxt(ptxt_x) # Encrypts the plaintext ptxt_x and returns a PyCtxt
ctxt_y = HE.encryptPtxt(ptxt_y) #  Alternatively you can use HE.encryptFrac(arr_y)

# Otherwise, a single call to `HE.encrypt` would detect the data type,
#  encode it and encrypt it
#> ctxt_x = HE.encrypt(arr_x)

print("\n2. Fixed-point Encoding & Encryption, ")
print("->\tarr_x ", arr_x,'\n\t==> ptxt_x ', ptxt_x,'\n\t==> ctxt_x ', ctxt_x)
print("->\tarr_y ", arr_y,'\n\t==> ptxt_y ', ptxt_y,'\n\t==> ctxt_y ', ctxt_y)
2. Fixed-point Encoding & Encryption,
->      arr_x  [ 0.1  0.2 -0.3]
        ==> ptxt_x  <Pyfhel Plaintext at 0x7fecac0e4940, scheme=ckks, poly=?, is_ntt=Y, mod_level=0>
        ==> ctxt_x  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecac0e2d60, scheme=ckks, size=2/2, scale_bits=30, mod_level=0>
->      arr_y  [-1.5  2.3  4.7]
        ==> ptxt_y  <Pyfhel Plaintext at 0x7fecac0e4480, scheme=ckks, poly=?, is_ntt=Y, mod_level=0>
        ==> ctxt_y  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecaf283f40, scheme=ckks, size=2/2, scale_bits=30, mod_level=0>

3. Securely operating on encrypted fixed-point arrays

We try all the operations supported by Pyfhel. Note that, to operate, the ciphertexts/plaintexts must be built with the same context. Internal checks prevent ops between ciphertexts of different contexts.

# Ciphertext-ciphertext ops:
ccSum = ctxt_x + ctxt_y       # Calls HE.add(ctxt_x, ctxt_y, in_new_ctxt=True)
                            #  `ctxt_x += ctxt_y` for inplace operation
ccSub = ctxt_x - ctxt_y       # Calls HE.sub(ctxt_x, ctxt_y, in_new_ctxt=True)
                            #  `ctxt_x -= ctxt_y` for inplace operation
ccMul = ctxt_x * ctxt_y       # Calls HE.multiply(ctxt_x, ctxt_y, in_new_ctxt=True)
                            #  `ctxt_x *= ctxt_y` for inplace operation
cSq   = ctxt_x**2            # Calls HE.square(ctxt_x, in_new_ctxt=True)
                            #  `ctxt_x **= 2` for inplace operation
cNeg  = -ctxt_x              # Calls HE.negate(ctxt_x, in_new_ctxt=True)
# cPow  = ctxt_x**3          # pow Not supported in CKKS
cRotR = ctxt_x >> 2          # Calls HE.rotate(ctxt_x, k=2, in_new_ctxt=True)
                            #  `ctxt_x >>= 2` for inplace operation
cRotL = ctxt_x << 2          # Calls HE.rotate(ctxt_x, k=-2, in_new_ctxt=True)
                            #  `ctxt_x <<= 2` for inplace operation

# Ciphetext-plaintext ops
cpSum = ctxt_x + ptxt_y       # Calls HE.add_plain(ctxt_x, ptxt_y, in_new_ctxt=True)
                            # `ctxt_x += ctxt_y` for inplace operation
cpSub = ctxt_x - ptxt_y       # Calls HE.sub_plain(ctxt_x, ptxt_y, in_new_ctxt=True)
                            # `ctxt_x -= ctxt_y` for inplace operation
cpMul = ctxt_x * ptxt_y       # Calls HE.multiply_plain(ctxt_x, ptxt_y, in_new_ctxt=True)
                            # `ctxt_x *= ctxt_y` for inplace operation

print("3. Secure operations")
print(" Ciphertext-ciphertext: ")
print("->\tctxt_x + ctxt_y = ccSum: ", ccSum)
print("->\tctxt_x - ctxt_y = ccSub: ", ccSub)
print("->\tctxt_x * ctxt_y = ccMul: ", ccMul)
print(" Single ciphertext: ")
print("->\tctxt_x**2      = cSq  : ", cSq  )
print("->\t- ctxt_x       = cNeg : ", cNeg )
print("->\tctxt_x >> 4    = cRotR: ", cRotR)
print("->\tctxt_x << 4    = cRotL: ", cRotL)
print(" Ciphertext-plaintext: ")
print("->\tctxt_x + ptxt_y = cpSum: ", cpSum)
print("->\tctxt_x - ptxt_y = cpSub: ", cpSub)
print("->\tctxt_x * ptxt_y = cpMul: ", cpMul)
3. Secure operations
->      ctxt_x + ctxt_y = ccSum:  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecac563a90, scheme=ckks, size=2/2, scale_bits=30, mod_level=0>
->      ctxt_x - ctxt_y = ccSub:  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecac12a900, scheme=ckks, size=2/2, scale_bits=30, mod_level=0>
->      ctxt_x * ctxt_y = ccMul:  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecac12a220, scheme=ckks, size=3/3, scale_bits=60, mod_level=1>
 Single ciphertext:
->      ctxt_x**2      = cSq  :  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecaf3eb360, scheme=ckks, size=3/3, scale_bits=60, mod_level=1>
->      - ctxt_x       = cNeg :  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecaf833090, scheme=ckks, size=2/2, scale_bits=30, mod_level=0>
->      ctxt_x >> 4    = cRotR:  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecaf833d60, scheme=ckks, size=2/2, scale_bits=30, mod_level=0>
->      ctxt_x << 4    = cRotL:  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecaf2a3130, scheme=ckks, size=2/2, scale_bits=30, mod_level=0>
->      ctxt_x + ptxt_y = cpSum:  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecaf2a3720, scheme=ckks, size=2/2, scale_bits=30, mod_level=0>
->      ctxt_x - ptxt_y = cpSub:  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecaf2a32c0, scheme=ckks, size=2/2, scale_bits=30, mod_level=0>
->      ctxt_x * ptxt_y = cpMul:  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecaf2a3400, scheme=ckks, size=2/2, scale_bits=60, mod_level=1>

4. CKKS relinearization: What, why, when

Ciphertext-ciphertext multiplications increase the size of the polynoms representing the resulting ciphertext. To prevent this growth, the relinearization technique is used (typically right after each c-c mult) to reduce the size of a ciphertext back to the minimal size (two polynoms c0 & c1). For this, a special type of public key called Relinearization Key is used.

In Pyfhel, you can either generate a relin key with HE.RelinKeyGen() or skip it and call HE.relinearize() directly, in which case a warning is issued.

print("\n4. Relinearization-> Right after each multiplication.")
print(f"ccMul before relinearization (size {ccMul.size()}): {ccMul}")
~ccMul    # Equivalent to HE.relinearize(ccMul). Relin always happens in-place.
print(f"ccMul after relinearization (size {ccMul.size()}): {ccMul}")
4. Relinearization-> Right after each multiplication.
ccMul before relinearization (size 3): <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecac12a220, scheme=ckks, size=3/3, scale_bits=60, mod_level=1>
ccMul after relinearization (size 2): <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecac12a220, scheme=ckks, size=2/3, scale_bits=60, mod_level=1>

5. Rescaling & Mod Switching

More complex operations with CKKS require keeping track of the CKKS scale. Operating with two CKKS ciphertexts (or a ciphertext and a plaintext) requires them to have the same scale and the same modulus level.

-> Scale: Multiplications yield a new scale, which is the product of the scales

of the two operands. To scale down a ciphertext, the HE.rescale_to_next(ctxt) function is used, which switches the modulus to the next one in the qi chain and divides the ciphertext by the previous modulus.# Since this is the only scale-down operation, it is advised to use scale_bits with the same size as the intermediate moduli sizes in HE.qi_sizes.

-> Mod Switching: Switches to the next modulus in the qi chain, but without

rescaling. This is achieved by the HE.mod_switch_to_next(ctxt) function.

To ease the life of the user, Pyfhel provides HE.align_mod_n_scale(this, other), which automatically does the rescaling and mod switching. All the 2-input overloaded operators (+, -, *, /) of PyCtxt automatically call this function. The respective HE.add, HE.sub, HE.multiply don’t.

NOTE: For more information, check the SEAL example #4_ccks_basics.cpp

In this example we will compute the mean squared error, treating the average of the two ciphertexts as the true distribution. We check the scale and mod-level step by step:

#  1. Mean
c_mean = (ctxt_x + ctxt_y) / 2
#  2. MSE
c_mse_1 = ~((ctxt_x - c_mean)**2)
c_mse_2 = (~(ctxt_y - c_mean)**2)
c_mse = (c_mse_1 + c_mse_2)/ 3
#  3. Cumulative sum
c_mse += (c_mse << 1)
c_mse += (c_mse << 2)  # element 0 contains the result
print("\n5. Rescaling & Mod Switching.")
print("->\tMean: ", c_mean)
print("->\tMSE_1: ", c_mse_1)
print("->\tMSE_2: ", c_mse_2)
print("->\tMSE: ", c_mse)
5. Rescaling & Mod Switching.
->      Mean:  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecac13db30, scheme=ckks, size=2/2, scale_bits=60, mod_level=1>
->      MSE_1:  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecaf283ea0, scheme=ckks, size=2/3, scale_bits=60, mod_level=2>
->      MSE_2:  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecac12abd0, scheme=ckks, size=2/3, scale_bits=60, mod_level=2>
->      MSE:  <Pyfhel Ciphertext at 0x7fecac12ad60, scheme=ckks, size=2/3, scale_bits=60, mod_level=3>

6. Decrypt & Decode results

Time to decrypt results! We use HE.decryptFrac for this.

HE.decrypt() could also be used, in which case the decryption type would be inferred from the ciphertext metadata.

r_x    = HE.decryptFrac(ctxt_x)
r_y    = HE.decryptFrac(ctxt_y)
rccSum = HE.decryptFrac(ccSum)
rccSub = HE.decryptFrac(ccSub)
rccMul = HE.decryptFrac(ccMul)
rcSq   = HE.decryptFrac(cSq  )
rcNeg  = HE.decryptFrac(cNeg )
rcRotR = HE.decryptFrac(cRotR)
rcRotL = HE.decryptFrac(cRotL)
rcpSum = HE.decryptFrac(cpSum)
rcpSub = HE.decryptFrac(cpSub)
rcpMul = HE.decryptFrac(cpMul)
rmean  = HE.decryptFrac(c_mean)
rmse   = HE.decryptFrac(c_mse)

# Note: results are approximate! if you increase the decimals, you will notice
#  the errors
_r = lambda x: np.round(x, decimals=3)
print("6. Decrypting results")
print(" Original ciphertexts: ")
print("   ->\tctxt_x --(decr)--> ", _r(r_x))
print("   ->\tctxt_y --(decr)--> ", _r(r_y))
print(" Ciphertext-ciphertext Ops: ")
print("   ->\tctxt_x + ctxt_y = ccSum --(decr)--> ", _r(rccSum))
print("   ->\tctxt_x - ctxt_y = ccSub --(decr)--> ", _r(rccSub))
print("   ->\tctxt_x * ctxt_y = ccMul --(decr)--> ", _r(rccMul))
print(" Single ciphertext: ")
print("   ->\tctxt_x**2      = cSq   --(decr)--> ", _r(rcSq  ))
print("   ->\t- ctxt_x       = cNeg  --(decr)--> ", _r(rcNeg ))
print("   ->\tctxt_x >> 4    = cRotR --(decr)--> ", _r(rcRotR))
print("   ->\tctxt_x << 4    = cRotL --(decr)--> ", _r(rcRotL))
print(" Ciphertext-plaintext ops: ")
print("   ->\tctxt_x + ptxt_y = cpSum --(decr)--> ", _r(rcpSum))
print("   ->\tctxt_x - ptxt_y = cpSub --(decr)--> ", _r(rcpSub))
print("   ->\tctxt_x * ptxt_y = cpMul --(decr)--> ", _r(rcpMul))
print(" Mean Squared error: ")
print("   ->\tmean(ctxt_x, ctxt_y) = c_mean --(decr)--> ", _r(rmean))
print("   ->\tmse(ctxt_x, ctxt_y)  = c_mse  --(decr)--> ", _r(rmse))
6. Decrypting results
 Original ciphertexts:
   ->   ctxt_x --(decr)-->  [ 0.1  0.2 -0.3 ... -0.  -0.  -0. ]
   ->   ctxt_y --(decr)-->  [-1.5  2.3  4.7 ...  0.  -0.   0. ]
 Ciphertext-ciphertext Ops:
   ->   ctxt_x + ctxt_y = ccSum --(decr)-->  [-1.4  2.5  4.4 ... -0.  -0.  -0. ]
   ->   ctxt_x - ctxt_y = ccSub --(decr)-->  [ 1.6 -2.1 -5.  ... -0.   0.  -0. ]
   ->   ctxt_x * ctxt_y = ccMul --(decr)-->  [-0.15  0.46 -1.41 ... -0.   -0.    0.  ]
 Single ciphertext:
   ->   ctxt_x**2      = cSq   --(decr)-->  [ 0.01  0.04  0.09 ...  0.    0.   -0.  ]
   ->   - ctxt_x       = cNeg  --(decr)-->  [-0.1 -0.2  0.3 ...  0.   0.   0. ]
   ->   ctxt_x >> 4    = cRotR --(decr)-->  [ 0.002  0.001  0.1   ...  0.     0.    -0.   ]
   ->   ctxt_x << 4    = cRotL --(decr)-->  [-0.299  0.001 -0.    ...  0.     0.1    0.2  ]
 Ciphertext-plaintext ops:
   ->   ctxt_x + ptxt_y = cpSum --(decr)-->  [-1.4  2.5  4.4 ... -0.  -0.  -0. ]
   ->   ctxt_x - ptxt_y = cpSub --(decr)-->  [ 1.6 -2.1 -5.  ... -0.  -0.  -0. ]
   ->   ctxt_x * ptxt_y = cpMul --(decr)-->  [-0.15  0.46 -1.41 ...  0.    0.    0.  ]
 Mean Squared error:
   ->   mean(ctxt_x, ctxt_y) = c_mean --(decr)-->  [-0.7   1.25  2.2  ... -0.   -0.   -0.  ]
   ->   mse(ctxt_x, ctxt_y)  = c_mse  --(decr)-->  [5.33  4.903 4.168 ... 0.427 1.162 5.33 ]

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 4.500 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 114 MB

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